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Upcoming Hazard API

The Upcoming Hazard API provides hazard assessments for the current day (maximum) based on environmental conditions at specified geographic locations. This API is crucial for users needing immediate upcoming risk evaluations to inform safety-related decisions.

What is Current Hazard?

The Upcoming Hazard API focuses on identifying and quantifying immediate environmental risks, such as extreme temperatures or wind conditions, providing users with actionable insights to manage and mitigate potential hazards in real-time.

This endpoint returns all hazard information seen below.


See variables
Hazard VariableDescription
HumidexAssesses heat hazards based on perceived temperature.
WindchillEvaluates cold hazards based on wind and temperature.


The API dynamically calculates risk levels by analyzing the temperature, humidity, and wind data for the current day (i.e., 00:00 to 23:00 of local time, not UTC).

Detailed Breakdown: Understanding Hazard Calculations
  • Real-Time Data: Utilizes forecasted NOAA 0.25 weather for the current day (00:00 to 23:00 local time)
  • Threshold-Based Analysis: Uses predefined thresholds to categorize hazard levels, allowing for immediate risk communication.


The API accepts the following parameters:

  • latitude & longitude: Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees where the hazard assessment is desired.

Interactive Endpoint​

You can access and interact with the API endpoints using our API Endpoint Directory.