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Dive into ClimaLinks API

Welcome to ClimaLinks -- a new startup from Zurich, Switzerland offering advanced SaaS-based platform that transforms weather data into actionable decisions.


Beta Version Notice: This is the first release of our API. While we strive to maintain stability, this is still in its early stages and there's a possibility that breaking changes may be introduced. Expect regular updates as we add new features and address issues.

With consistent updates and enhancements, our API and documentation are both evolving. We're eager to integrate feedback and introduce new features. For hands-on interaction with our API, visit our Swagger Docs.

Step-by-step Integration​

Step 1. Access APIs​

To interact with our v1 API endpoints at There you can try out our API requests immediately.

Step 2. Authenticate using your API Keys​

To access our APIs you'll first need an API key. This key should be included in every request header as x-api-key. We're investing in fortifying our API key system, ensuring both robust security and user-friendliness. Each API key has a custom number of requests which are agreed upon individually. Currently, you can purchase API keys by contacting us at

Step 3. Access the API Endpoint​

ClimaLinks' current offerings can be split into historical (back to 1979), operational (up to 210 days into the future), and climate change projections (until 2100). Depending on your package, you will have access to one or more of these offerings. From there, there are several endpoints to choose from.

Step 4. Familiarize Yourself with Available Datasets​

In addition to offering different timescales of analysis, many of our endpoints also have access to different datasets and variables for you to choose form. These datasets are tailored to distinct requirements, and, therefore, are important to understand. Browse through them to identify which aligns best with your objectives.

  • For historical datasets, they can be found here: ERA5
  • For operational datasets, they can be found here: ECMWF and NOAA
  • For projection datasets, they can be found here: CMIP6

Step 5. Gather other necessary information​

All data requests necessitate location details in the form of latitude and longitude coordinates. Ensure you pinpoint your location of interest accurately.

Step 6: Dive into Our Growing Library of Endpoints​

For a successful integration with ClimaLinks API, understanding our endpoints is crucial. Let's explore:

  1. Endpoint Directory: Explore our comprehensive Open API API Endpoint Directory to get a complete list of available endpoints.

  2. Endpoint Structure: Our endpoints follow RESTful principles. For example:

    • GET /v1/...../frequency-change/{wave_type} for retrieving specific wave data.
    • POST /v1/...../composite-optimality for submitting or processing large datasets or multiple parameters.
  3. Interactive Exploration: Remember, you can also interactively test and understand the endpoints using our Swagger UI.

  4. Dive into Our Methodology: Delve deeper into the comprehensive methodology we employ. This section provides intricate details on:

    • Hazard Indices: Discover our extensive collection of hazard indices, gain insights into their formulation, and grasp their scientific rigor.
    • Raw Climate Change Fields: Navigate through the myriad weather variables at your disposal, categorized under various climate change projections.

Versioning Scheme​

We adopt a straightforward versioning approach. The debut version is labeled V1.

Backward-compatible changes will keep the V1 tag. If changes are not backward compatible, we'll move to V2, offering users the autonomy to decide their integration timeline.

Integrate a specific API version by appending its number to our API's base URL. Stay updated with our documentation and release summaries for the latest on API versions and modifications.

Beta Version Details​


During our API's beta phase, we may introduce substantial changes. This phase is experimental, with active refinements in progress. Post-beta, we'll strictly adhere to our versioning outline.